Global Medical Assistance

Global demand for medical assistance requires readiness of healthcare companies, pharmaceuticals and all stakeholder involved in the process. From Emergency room at the hospital to walk-in clinics in community, from Pharmaceutical company to Pharmacy store, from patient to recovery; there is only one thing that is commonly lacking in today’s modern society, i.e., Digital coordination of steps involved.

WEBEETA is working tirelessly to consult its partners who are intending to come up with a digital solution to revolutionize our med tech. Our proprietary technology in apparel digitizing has revolutionary affect on how we conduct the following:

- Heart rate Detection
- Temperature Detection
- Blood Pressure Detection
- Digital Apparel Patters
- Custom designing of apparel for medical use.

WEBEETA is in process of extensive R&D consultation on its products and working with our customers and partners to come up with excellent solutions.

Do you have a med tech product need? WEBEETA can help you formulate a strategy from A-Z.

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Digital Medical Technology